
Use our installation script, specify a name for your node and wait for the installation to complete.

wget-q-O <> && sudo chmod +x && ./ && source $HOME/.bash_profile

Create a wallet, don’t forget to save the mnemonic:

wardend keys add wallet

If you already have a wallet, you can recover with:

wardend keys add wallet--recover

Request tokens at the faucet.

curl-XPOST-d '{"address": "YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS"}' <>

After full synchronization, check the balance, if everything is okay, proceed to create a validator.

wardend q bank balances$(wardend keys show wallet-a)

Create a validator(You can add additional information about your validator in the file $HOME/.warden/validator.json):

wardend tx staking create-validator $HOME/.warden/validator.json \\--from=wallet \\    --chain-id=buenavista-1 \\--fees=500uward-y


View logs

sudo journalctl-u wardend-f

Restart node:

sudo systemctl restart wardend

Check node status:

curl localhost:26657/status